Vehicle Owner's Liability Insurance



Insurance companies in Ukraine and, in particular, in Kyiv, offer a choice of two options for liability insurance. The first is the so-called mandatory type of insurance. The conditions of insurance on it and the rates are fixed by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1175 of September 28, 1996 and are the same for all insurers. That is, if you decide to purchase a compulsory liability insurance policy, then, by contacting any company, you will receive the same insurance rates, which depend on the engine size of your car. In doing so, you need to remember the following:

- a policy (small form, green) is issued for one specific driver and a specific vehicle;

– the insurance conditions define two sums insured (the amounts within which the insurance company will pay for damages to the victim in an accident):

— 25 500 UAH. - on the property of the victim (if the car or other property is damaged);

— 8500 UAH. - for life and health (in case people suffer);

– an unconditional deductible is provided (an amount that is not paid by the insurance company and is actually assigned to the Policyholder) – 510 UAH. That is, any damage within 510 UAH. you will pay; everything above is an insurance company;

— in the conditions of compulsory liability insurance there is the following clause: if the insurance company paid compensation to the victim in the amount of more than 25% of the sum insured in one specific case, then the Policyholder is obliged to purchase a new insurance policy.




The main alternative to "mandatory" insurance is voluntary civil liability insurance. In this case, the conditions of insurance and prices are set by the insurance company offering this policy. The main differences (they are also advantages) of voluntary insurance are as follows:

– the insured (client) can independently choose the sum insured, within which the insurance company will pay for the damage to the victim. As a rule, the insurance company offers a range of such amounts.

– In the application for insurance, which is filled out by the owner of the car before signing the contract, you can indicate drivers who have the right to legally drive a car (based on a vehicle registration certificate or a power of attorney).

— An unconditional deductible can be equal to zero, i.e. the insurance company fully pays for the damage caused to the victim within the sum insured you choose.

— The insurance company bears its responsibility until the entire sum insured has been chosen, regardless of the number of cases that have occurred (however, any compensation reduces the sum insured specified in the insurance contract). Some companies offer an insurance option without a reduction in the sum insured, but at the same time you pay more for insurance. On the other hand, if you consider yourself an expert on the road, then it makes no sense to pay anymore. As a rule, several serious accidents cannot occur in one year. Although even in a very unfortunate set of circumstances, you will be able to replenish the sum insured by paying only a small difference, and for the days remaining until the end of the insurance contract.

The cost of a voluntary insurance policy may vary depending on the amount insured, the period of insurance and the insurance company you apply to.

To insure your civil liability, you need to come to the insurance company (or call a representative), fill out an insurance application (when purchasing a voluntary insurance policy), make a payment for insurance and sign the policy. From the next day, after you deposit the money, the policy comes into effect. As a rule, liability is insured for one year. You need to have a car registration certificate, a personal passport, originals of issued powers of attorney (again in the case of voluntary insurance) and the car itself (if required by the insurance company) with you.

So, you have purchased a civil liability insurance policy. In case of any accident, you will need to call the traffic police to the scene of the accident and, if your fault has been previously established, give the victim the details of the insurance company whose policy you purchased. Further, the issue of compensation will be dealt with by the insurance company. You will have only one question that you should not forget - do not miss the expiration date of the policy.


"Green map"


Having an insurance policy with you, you will feel more confident on the roads. But only on the roads of Ukraine! If you decide to visit one of the countries near or far abroad, then at the border, friendly border guards will require you to present the so-called Green Card policy. This is not quite what was said above. More precisely, we are talking about the same type of insurance, but assuming that your liability will be insured outside of Ukraine. And here the question is not that someone wants to “rip off” more money from you. The fact is that just like in Ukraine, other countries also have compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners. To avoid situations when a driver who has arrived from abroad and knocked down, say, a pedestrian, will not be able to pay for the damage caused to a third party, The international civil liability insurance system "Green Card" was developed and legally fixed, in which many countries became participants. Ukraine also entered this system.

Before you leave, let's say to Bulgaria or Germany, you need to contact the insurance company and purchase a policy. There are a few important things to be aware of...

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